
Do varicose veins lead to blood clots & stroke?

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Varicose veins are swollen and enlarged veins that usually occur on legs and feet. They may be blue or dark purple, and often look lumpy, bulging or twisted. While experiencing varicose veins you may feel aching, heavy and uncomfortable legs, swollen feet and ankles, burning or throbbing, muscle cramp, particularly at night. 

The symptoms usually worsen in the summer or if you’ve been standing up for long periods of time. 

In a healthy vein, blood flows smoothly to the heart. In the varicose vein, the blood can flow backwards and collect in the vein, eventually causing it to be swollen and enlarged.

Can varicose veins cause blood clots? 

Varicose veins are more common than you think. Nearly a quarter of adults have the condition. Good news is, for most people varicose veins is more of a cosmetic issue and they will not develop complications. If they do, it’s usually several years after varicose veins first appear. 

Blood clots can form in veins located just under the surface of your skin and lead to thrombophlebitis, inflammation of the veins in your leg or deep vein thrombosis, which, in turn,  may lead to serious complications like pulmonary embolism.

However, blood clots are rare. In most cases, they’re easy to spot, too. Most varicose veins (and most blood clots) form in the veins located just below the surface of the skin. So when a blood clot forms, your skin appears red, swollen and painful. This condition is called superficial venous thrombosis but most people never get it.

There is another complication with the varicose veins, called superficial thrombophlebitis. It mostly occurs when you have an injury. Even a slight injury to a varicose vein can cause inflammation. That sudden inflammation causes blood clots.

Unlike deeper blood vessels, superficial veins aren’t surrounded by muscle. Muscles act as pumps for your veins. Without a pump to move it out, a blood clot can stick to the wall of your vein and be hard to dislodge. Your varicose vein feels like a hard cord and becomes painful.

Fortunately, the problem usually goes away on its own. In a few days, your inflammation should decrease. Applying a warm compress and taking aspirin can ease your pain and symptoms until the problem is resolved.

Blood clots in deeper veins

That’s a much bigger issue. Severe varicose veins can affect the deeper veins, too. The condition is called deep vein thrombosis or DVT. It is similar to superficial thrombophlebitis, but the blood clot forms in a deeper, larger vein. Those carry more blood and if it gets moving, there’s a chance it could land elsewhere and do much more damage.

Then there is a chance that eventually the blood clot enters your lungs, and causes a life-threatening condition known as a pulmonary embolism. Without emergency medical attention, a pulmonary embolism can be deadly.

To diagnose DVT look for these signs: 

  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Pain in your calf, foot or leg
  • Skin that is warm, red, or discolored
  • Sudden leg fatigue

If you have any suspicion, you should immediately seek medical help. 

Rankel Cardiocode is the world’s first device, which can measure phase volumes of blood in a person’s body and assess heart resources. Able to identify signs of possible blood clot, it is an invaluable tool to save lives.  

Here are the measurements that the device can offer:

  • function and general condition of the person’s aorta and other large arteries;
  • state of coronary and venous flows;
  • synchronization between the greater and lesser circulation systems.

Rankel Cardiocode offers the highest level in cardiovascular diagnostics. It is widely used by cardiologists, family doctors, health practitioners, ambulance, sport clubs and teams, hospitals and clinics for health screening.

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