
“Aura”, chakras and its measurement

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The human body is a generator of electromagnetic waves. The energy exchange in our body depends on the speed and quality of chemical reactions in our organs at the cellular level. Oriental natural philosophers used the concept of “aura” when speaking of such energy exchange. The notion of it originated in ancient India. 

Indian wise men believed that the “aura” can tell about the sensual or spiritual intentions of a person and their health. They believed that the human thoughts were imprinted on the surface (cover) of an aura as on some sort of an energy and information storage. By the size of “aura” and color wise men judged a person’s overall physical and physio-emotional state. The followers of eastern religions and practices might find that there was a very close connection between an “aura” and “chakras”. Energy exchange being the main function of both.

What is chakra?

Chakra (which means “circle” in Sanskrit) in a spiritual practice of Buddhism embodies the energy spots of the human body. It is believed that the channels of special life energy pass through chakras. Chakras serve as an energy getaway. Yoga, sound healing, aromatherapy, physiotherapy, and meditation improve the state of aura, state of chakras, and open them up. It is believed to have a positive contribution to overall health, emotional well-being, and is thought to bring joy and happiness.

According to spiritual practice, there are seven chakras: Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, and Sahasrara. Each of them is responsible for a specific part of the human body and a specific emotional state. 

Muladhara chakra

Muladhara chakra (the main root chakra) is located between the genitals and anus. It is responsible for vital energy and fear, which symbolizes the connection of a person with the material physical world. This chakra when opened gives the feeling of peace of mind, self-esteem, and energy to reach your objectives. Lack of energy, bad mood, fatigue tells about chakra´s dysfunction. 

Hormonal glands related to Muladhara chakra are the sex glands and the adrenal glands. It is responsible for the vertebral column, skeleton, bones, teeth, and nails, anus, rectum, intestines, prostate and genital glands, as well as blood and the cellular structure. Problems and diseases caused by the chakra imbalance include constipation, hemorrhoid disease, tiredness, apathy, flabbiness, blood diseases, back tension, sore joints and bones, problems with tissues and skin. 

Svadhisthana chakra

Svadhisthana chakra (the sexual chakra) is responsible for sexuality and sensual pleasures. Through this chakra, you can feel happiness and love. It allows you to achieve good relations with your spouse, as well as be attractive to the opposite sex. Imbalanced Svadhisthana chakra brings its owner jealousy and irritability. It is located in the pelvis area, between the pubes. 

Hormonal glands related to Svadhisthana chakra are the genital glands – ovaries, testicles and prostate. It is believed that Svadhisthana controls the lymphatic system, kidneys, gallbladder, genitals, and all bodily liquids (blood, lymph, digestive juices, seminal fluid). Disbalance of this chakra is believed to cause muscle cramps, allergies, physical fragility, constipation, sexual unbalance, loss of libido, sterility, depression and lack of creativity.

Manipura chakra

Manipura chakra (solar plexus chakra) is where the energy to make plans and achieve goals is born. It is responsible for the person’s ambitions, will-power, self-confidence, discipline, and self-control. When imbalanced it leads to helplessness, laziness, and procrastination. Manipura is also responsible for the person’s digestive system.

Manipura is located below the diaphragm, between the breastbone and the nave. Pancreas and adrenal glands are believed to be linked to this chakra. It is responsible for the respiratory system and the diaphragm, digestive system, stomach, pancreas, liver, spleen, gallbladder, small intestine, adrenal glands, lower back and sympathetic nervous system. Disbalance of Manipura brings mental and nervous exhaustion, unsociability, gallstones, diabetes, digestive problems, ulcers, allergy and heart diseases.

Anahata chakra

Anahata chakra (heart chakra) is associated with self-love. Working on this chakra is believed to fight loneliness, cultivate love for one’s body. It is believed to make the person feel more attractive and beautiful. It also improves the functioning of one’s cardiovascular system. 

Anahata chakra is related to the thymus gland and it is responsible for such body organs as heart, circulatory system, lungs, immune system, upper back, skin and hands. Its dysfunctions can lead to respiratory diseases, heart pains, heart attacks, hypertension, tension, dissatisfaction with life, insomnia and tiredness.

Vishuddha chakra

Vishuddha chakra (throat chakra) is related to communication and self-confidence. If you have low self-esteem, fear socializing or lack friends it could be caused by vishuddha dysfunction. It is associated with the thyroid and parathyroid gland and is believed to control the person’s neck, vocal cords and organs, thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, the apex of the lung, ears, muscles, arms, and nerves. When disbalanced, it causes difficulties to express one’s thoughts, diseases of respiratory organs, headaches, neck, shoulder, and back of the head pains, throat diseases, vocal cords diseases, lack of creativity, infectious ear diseases, inflammatory processes and hearing problems.

Ajna chakra

Ajna chakra (the third eye chakra) located in the center of the forehead is a source of thoughts and images. Responsible for intuition, it can lead to headaches when not balanced. Hormonal glands related to it are hypophysis and pineal glands and the body organs are the person’s brain and all its parts, central nervous system, face, eyes, ears, nose, and sinuses. Problems and diseases caused by the disbalance of Ajna are eye and ear diseases and respiratory problems. 

Sahasrara chakra

Sahasrara chakra (the crown chakra) is located at the crown of the head and is associated with the brain. It is the chakra that symbolises the connection between god and the universe. Once Sahasrara is activated, the person is believed to reach awareness and understanding of the real purpose of life. It brings a feeling of one’s connection with nature. To open this chakra the person has to balance out the other six.

How to measure chakras?

From a scientific point of view, there are no methods that allow “to photograph” or “fix” someone’s “aura” to measure chakras. However, an analysis of energy metabolism in human organs reflected in cardio rhythm cardio rhythm allows us to assess an integral indicator that will objectively reflect the quality of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, and autonomic systems. This indicator, in terms of its physical content, will be close to the concept of “aura” or energy exchange channels as the Eastern healers understood it. 

Rankel Stress-Scanner is an advanced complex diagnostic HRV-monitor created for the assessment of the functional state of a patient, as well as control of the patient’s treatment efficiency. It efficiently uses cardio-recorders to measure various indicators in a short period and provides comprehensive reports on patients conditions, including the current state of the “aura” and all types of “chakras”. 

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